Breast Cancer Rehab

You have already been through so much. Now, your body needs time and proper healing. Decreased breast and shoulder mobility after mastectomy and/or resultant reconstruction surgery can cause pain and discomfort. Skin thickening after radiation, decreased mobility of scar tissue, abnormal healing, and capsular contractions of implants can all cause shoulder and chest dysfunction. Decreased scapular strength and poor posture can lead to rotator cuff problems including tendonitis and impingement. Wow. That was a lot. First, take it easy, be gentle on yourself, and whenever you are feeling ready, some gentle and deliberate movement in order to increase range of motion, strength, improving posture, and increase neural mobility will increase your quality and speed of recovery.

Some symptoms experience after mastectomy and reconstruction surgery include:

  • Chest pain/tightness

  • Breast pain/tightness

  • Neck pain/stiffness

  • Decreased shoulder ROM

  • Upper extremity weakness

  • Upper extremity numbness/tingling

  • Low back pain/upper back pain

  • Abdominal pain due to scarring

Journey through pelvic pain course.jpg

Journey through breast cancer recovery.

Coming soon!


Contact me about how physical therapy can help you on your journey to complete recovery.


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